Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Daily Destination

Who Am I on Coming Home.

Thom's Elephant Camp- Pai, Thailand (amazingly                                                                                            sweet and respectful to all the animals, which is quite rare in Asia,

Building my Empire!  Wild Child! Up for anything!! Adventurist! Love love love Mother Earth so please respect! Can't get enough....of life! I'd rather you Love me than Leave me but really it's all the same to me, I cannot control those who want to be a hater. It's not my job. I want to fill My world with beautiful people who are enlightened and teach me new things through their experiences daily....I am not lonely! I embrace change and challenges, without it life would be...Boring!!   I have walked through the fire and found my wings. I know what true passion is, but not who it is. I work for a purpose, not to luxuriate in prestige. I will take happiness over money any day and to be happy you need to make others happier. I am proud of myself and my accomplishments and yet I am aware enough to realize how far I still need to go. I respect myself as well as others who deserve to be respected. I am aware of who I am. I do not seek validation from others, nor do I look to replace self-love with the love of another. I am a woman that walks with feminine grace, speaks her will, and articulates her needs. I am strong enough to relinquish my fears and to pursue my dreams. I would like to learn to be able to give and receive love unconditionally, but I still need daily reminders to love myself in the process. I use my strengths to where they lie and lie my weaknesses down as stepping stones to the future. I have learned the lessons of my past, and am thankful for the present and embrace what is yet to be determined. I understand that life holds many lessons and I welcome them as a tool for greater self-knowledge and personal evolution. I am learning to understand the nature of true power and the fact that it stems from those who do not truly want or need it. I am the writer of my own destiny. Quite simply, I am me, transparent and open. Welcome to my life.

1 comment:

  1. You have accomplished so much in the last few years and its plain to see that you know exactly who you are and what you want out of life. I wish you much success in all that you do, good health all of your life and much happiness and love in all life brings you.
